
The Nerdy Bitches Podcast

A funny take on the world of geekdom from two lifelong nerdy bitches, Heather and Liz talk geek culture, Marvel vs. DC, Harry Potter, Star Wars vs. Star Trek, Doctor Who, Tolkien, nerdcrafts, mainstream and not-so-mainstream genres. Weekly topics will also include the social aspect of being a geek, romance and dating, becoming a self-saving princess, random observations on daily life, hipster-bashing, drunken whores and other everyday faux pas.
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The Nerdy Bitches Podcast







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Jan 30, 2015

Welcome to the wonderful world of Pinterest! This week, we talk about how amazing and addictive Pinterest can be for the average bear.

We talk about Pinterest followers and basic Pinterest etiquette.

  • Repinning cool shit from other people
  • Creating a wishlist (and buying things for people based on things they have pinned)
  • Remembering to change the text from another pinner so you don't look like an illiterate dumbshit

Things that we like to pin:

  • Shit we want.
  • Food. We like to eat.
  • Geeky stuff.
  • Things we would love to do in our home, but never will.
  • Digital hoarding.
  • Fan art, tattoos, etc. that we love, but can't afford to buy.
  • Recommendations for our podcast (go check our site here).
  • FONTS!
  • Organizational tips

Pinterest can be so fun, but it can also be a massive time-suck. It is a procrastinator's dream! Imagine a place where people can find a Golden Girls cross-stitch pattern (and buy it), find a new recipe that you just HAVE to try, Harry Potter house scarves, AND people with your same sense of humor? This is your place.

The visual part of Pinterest is so much better than using Bookmarks in your browser. It makes it easier to remember things that you have seen and want to use/try/do. We probably would have never found Etsy without the wonder of Pinterest!! And that, friends, would be a real shame. Also, CROCHETED SHARK SOCKS!!!!

Our Mr. Massingil Award and Bitch of the Week goes to (from Tinder): Josh. Wow.

Tangent - Online dating. Yikes!


  • Liz: Firefly (TV series) and Serenity (Movie) - Available on Netflix
  • Heather: Chuck (TV series) - Available on Netflix

So, sit back with your iPad or laptop and listen to us talk about Pinterest.

Make sure to e-mail us at and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes. Feel free to leave a 5-star rating!!

Also, follow us on TwitterPinterest, and Instagram.

Jan 30, 2015

Welcome to the Nerdy Bitches Toy Nostalgia episode! This episode, we are talking toys! Not those toys… kid toys that we loved and those that are making a come back for the newer generations.

We talk about toys and series which have made a comeback:

  • Care Bears
  • My Little Pony
  • Scooby Doo

And others that would NEVER be allowed today that our parents totally bought for us and/or things that would never work with kids:

  • Pogo sticks
  • Pogo balls (basically, all things jumping and breaking your leg)
  • Speak and Spell – These were awesome in the day, but they would never fly with today’s tech-savvy kids
  • Alfie the Robot

Some of our favorites:

  • He-Man/She-Ra (and the gender differences between the series – condescending, much?)
  • Rainbow Brite
  • Barbie (We don’t actually like her, but we talk about that crazy bitch a lot)
  • Dolls
  • Fashion Plates, Lite-Brite, Spirograph, and more!

We have also seen a huge resurgence in old toys popping up on E-Bay for big bucks! We probably could have paid for college with the money off the old toys. But if you really think you will buy new toys in order to sell them later – you’re probably a hoarder. Seek help (read: Beanie Babies crazies).

What did we do before the Internet?? We ordered shit out of the back of catalogs and comic strip books. We used stamps and self-addressed stamped envelopes (SASEs!) to buy Sea Monkeys and shit.

While we are not nostalgic for the less-technological days, we do miss the toys. They were way cooler than the toys that are out today. Lawn darts and blow guns and BB-guns, oh my!

Best Christmas gift ever:

  • Heather: Game Boy
  • Liz: Ballerina doll (Dream Dancer)

Worst Christmas gift ever:

  • Heather: Tin tea sets
  • Liz: Video tape rewinder

Bitch of the Week – Dogs and Fireworks do not go together. Liz’s poor dogs were completely terrorized by fireworks for two solid weeks. No bueno.


  • Heather: Moulin Rouge (Netflix) and Hugo (kid’s film)
  • Liz: Shark Week!! Completely obsessed with Shark Week, and Planet Earth (BBC version), and all things nature shows.

For suggestions or future topics, email us at!  You can also follow us on PinterestTwitter, and Instagram. Be sure to leave an awesome 5-star review on iTunes or comment on this post.

Jan 15, 2015

This is it, nerds! Episode VI – Star Wars vs. Star Trek!!

In this episode, Liz and Heather each take a side as we talk about our favorite space franchises evah! Let’s face it, as Nerdy Bitches, we love them both. But we defy anyone to say that they love them exactly the same. If you say you do, you are either lying or a coward. Pick a side, folks!

We talk about:

  • Sci-Fi versus Fantasy (in SPACE!)
  • Star Trek’s Prime Directive (Science/Logic)
  • The Force (Emotion)
  • Female roles in each franchise
  • Star Wars: Episode VII coming in December 2015!!
  • Fan-base of each franchise
  • Fan reactions to each franchise releasing new movies
  • A quick shout out to Spaceballs!
  • JJ Abrams: Star Trek reboots vs. Star Wars: Episode VII
  • Carrie Fisher’s Wishful Drinking – Go watch it. We will wait.
  • And so much more…

Bitch of the Week – People who put their dogs/children/cars as their avatars or profile pictures on Facebook. People are hiding their real selves out of insecurity or to be giant online douchebags. Just put your pictures on there and get over yourself.

Recommendations (as seen on our Pinterest page):

  • Heather: (RSS feed) – Learn about awesome females whom you may never have heard of and what they are doing. (Also check out Mighty Girls on Facebook)
  • Liz: Shadows of the Empire (book) by Steve Perry – a book set between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. It’s a great insight into the training of Luke Skywalker, and into the mind of Darth Vader.

Mr. Massingill Award – For outstanding performance in douchebaggery (both online and off!)

  • Our very first winner is: Phil B! Take a listen and see why! Congratulations, Douchebag!

Be sure to follow us on TwitterInstagram, and Pinterest! Also, please leave an awesome 5-star review on iTunes for us, m’kay? As always, please e-mail us at

Jan 15, 2015

In Episode 5, the Bitches talk Books to Movies! We discuss our favorite book-to-movie conversions, and in some cases, movie-to-book!

Our biggest pet peeve is when our favorite book is destroyed when converted to the movie. We talk about some of our favorite books that went on to be fantastic movies:


  • Harry Potter (series)
  • Hunger Games (series)
  • Jurassic Park (just the first one)

...and some that were not as successful (Twilight, Beautiful Creatures, Lost World, etc.).  We even talk about a movie that launched a huge series of books - I'm talking to you, Star Wars!!

Here's how adaptation works - almost everything in the movie is in the book in some form. But it's as though the deck has been completely reshuffled and some of the cards have been assigned different values; some of the fours have been made into jacks, and some of the jacks have been made into twos. - Walter Kirn

Whether you love the book or love the movie (or both!!), don't be a hater on what others enjoy. Can't we nerds all just get along?? There are enough bullies in this world without turning on each other!

Have you ever noticed that a banned book is even MORE interesting than before it was banned?

Grab a bowl of popcorn and listen to us banter about our favorite books and the movies that we either loved or hated.

Bitch of the Week - People who don't read at all, or who bully/shame people who do. What gives? Read a freaking book and stop bashing others for what they like to read!!

You can't miss next episode!! It's finally time for STAR WARS vs. STAR TREK... ooooh!

Things of Interest:

  • Don't forget to follow us on TwitterPinterest; and Instagram!  We've added some awesome new pins lately! Check them out!!
  • Nerdy Bitches wants to send a huge shout-out to Jessica O. for being the first listener to e-mail us at!! Jessica had some awesome suggestions for a new topic that will be coming soon! E-mail us and your topic could be next!!
  • Also coming soon - Nerdy Bitches Book Club! E-mail us your reading suggestions at or use the Contact form in the menu above.
  • Make sure to leave a review and a 5-star rating on iTunes! We will feed an Orc to Gollum for every awesome review left!
Jan 8, 2015

Spoilers... In episode 4, we talk about Doctor Who companions.

We focus on the reboot of Doctor Who, starting with the 9th Doctor, in 2005. Companions covered are:

  • Rose Tyler
  • Captain Jack Harkness
  • Mickey
  • Donna Noble
  • Sarah Jane Smith
  • Amy & Rory ("The Ponds")
  • River Song/Melody Pond
  • Craig Owen (only in 2 episodes, but we love him!)
  • Clara Oswald (in all her iterations)

We discuss our favorites and least favorites companions throughout the series. We love River Song. She is the number one on both of our lists. We also love Captain Jack! The Ponds also made it to our favorites list. Donna Noble makes the list in our favorite for all of her snark, wit, and personality.

Donna wins our vote for the saddest ending for any companion.

Our Most Hated Least Favorites - Mickey (the Tin Dog!), Martha Jones (UGH!), Clara (Booooring!), and early Rose Tyler (we liked her better going forward).

We also talk a bit about the show's writers, including a slight debate regarding Russell T. Davies vs. Steven Moffett. Who writes the cheesier episodes? Who writes the best day-to-day shows versus big plot twists?

What is the point of the companion for the Doctor? Why does he need them and what do they bring to the table for a Time Lord?


Feed the Troll - from Sunderland56 - "To be fair, if she had two female parents, and no male in the house, How would she learn to drive?" ... Seriously?

Out of Context Comment of the Week - from YouTube - Braden says, "Likes dogs and cats." That is definitely a controversial topic... ??

Bitch of the Week - High School Reunions - WTF? Why is it 6 months too early? Where the hell did the time go? This is not ok. Do you feel like a grown-up? We still don't. But we are old.  And it sucks.  The End.

Follow us on TwitterPinterest, and Instagram!

If you have any topic requests, awesome comments, or glowing feedback, please email us at

Jan 8, 2015

Marvel is Ah-may-zing! This episode, we talk all things Marvel and the past, present, and future of the Marvel cinematic universe.

The phases of the Marvel universe include:

  • Phase 1: Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk (Edward Norton), Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America (swoon!), and The Avengers.
  • Phase 2: Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (TV), Agent Carter (TV), Guardians of the Galaxy (HOLY CRAP!!), Avengers: Age of Ultron, and Ant-Man.
  • Phase 3: Captain America: Civil War, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Thor: Ragnarok, Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War - Part I, Captain Marvel, Inhumans, and Avengers: Infinity War - Part II.

We talk about each of the movies in turn that are already out, and the ones upcoming. We spend a lot of time talking Guardians of the Galaxy because it's freaking awesome.

Well now I'm standing. Happy? We're all standing now. Bunch of jackasses, standing in a circle. - Rocket

Bitch of the Week - Women's geeky t-shirt sizes. Why the hell are they so small? Men don't have this problem when attempting to buy clothing!

Feed the Troll - "If we didn't have Democrats, we wouldn't need police." ... Really.


Jan 8, 2015

HOBBITS!! Or Hobbitses, if you prefer the Smeagol/Gollum pronunciation. Either way, we love them!

This week, we cover all things Middle-earth, Hobbit-ish, and Peter Jackson (as related to these films (LOTR, and The Hobbit). The basic truth is that we LOVE them. Whether you read the books or only sawthe movies, you have to love these stories. If not, get the hell off our podcast! Just kidding... sort of...

We discuss the transition from book to movies - should they have been translated into three movies? Did they destroy the plot line? Did they overstep their bounds by showing so much of the White Council?

We also talk about the technical aspects of high frame rate (48 fps) photography and 3D and our opinions on whether those are worth the high ticket prices. And motion capture - Andy Serkis and Benedict Cumberbatch are both completely amazing in their motion capture roles of Gollum and Smaug, respectively.

And... SPIDERS! What the hell is up with all of the spiders in movies? We blame Tolkein for spiders popping up in various movies and shows like Harry Potter and Doctor Who. And that giant puppy-sized spider in our real world??  Just - No.

And we discuss the characters and actors portraying them, inclusive of random characters that were never in the book.

Bitch of the Week - Ebola. Scare tactics and fear-mongering in the media after the recent scare in the U.S.-- This is clearly medical science's Super Bowl, much like the weatherman's hurricane here on the Gulf Coast.

Random Internet Comments taken out of context - from DaddyScratches, "The time to buy a used, almost free Bobcat is when you see one. That's what my old Grandpappy used to say."  Sound advice, DaddyScratches. Machinery or wildcat? You decide. 


  • From Heather - BoJack Horseman (animated series) - available on Netflix
  • From Liz - Daria (animated series) - Entire series available on HuluPlus

Follow us:

Email us at or through the Contact Us link on the menu above.

Next episode - MARVEL!!

Jan 5, 2015

Welcome to the Nerdy Bitches podcast!

In this introduction episode, Liz and Heather discuss all manner of nerdy topics, including Star Wars, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, and more! Liz is the owner and blogger at Self Saving Princess, and Heather, in her words, is just your average Nerdy Bitch. The bitches recall their indoctrinations into nerd culture, and discuss some of their favorite things.

When searching for female-hosted nerdy podcasts, we found the genre was a "sausage fest", and any podcasts run by chicks were either solely dedicated to one nerd topic, or were the kinds of female-related issues you don't really want to listen to--A podcast with wings!

We are also taking back the word "Bitch," so deal with it. We discuss what that means in regards to women who are willing to speak their minds versus terms given to their male counterparts.

This episode introduces the kinds of topics we enjoy, our weekly Bitch of the Week, random internet comments taken out of context, and each bitch's recommendations.

Our first Bitch of the Week - Fucking Hipsters! (Adjective, not verb - we never condone sleeping with hipsters!) Stupid nerd-posers who wear their geeky glasses (with or without lenses) and beanie hats, and ruin Geekdom for the rest of us.


  • From Heather: Snowpiercer (movie), available on Netflix
  • From Liz: The IT Crowd (BBC series), available on Netflix

Explicit language is to be expected - but it is all in good fun!

Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest for links to recommendations and other awesome nerdy shit--the buttons are in the box above.

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